Tag: job opportunities
Job opportunities at Cafè del Mar Ibiza!
Kieran Goodacre, manager of cafè del mar, announced that there are some job opportunities at cafè del mar.
This is the text of the announcement:"Staff vacancies...
Job opportunities in ibiza for two parties!
Jaime Arrabal sent us a message that he is searching staff of P.r. for two parties in one of the most important disco club...
Job opportunity at Suara Ibiza!
Yesterday Suara Ibiza published this job announcement:"Hey there! Join the cat´s army in Ibiza!
If you want to work with us as member of our...
Job opportunities at La Troya Ibiza! The casting!
La Troya Ibiza, the most trasgressive show of Ibiza will be back next 11th of June with the opening party!
And next 5th of June...
Job opportunities at El Row (Space Ibiza)
El Row, one of the most eclectic show of Ibiza and Barcelona, has announced the recruiting day!
El row for summer 2014 has moved from...
Job opportunity in Ibiza at Cafè del mar: the recruitment day!
Cafè del Mar Ibiza, the cult location of San Antonio ....announced the recruitment day next 6th of May at 10 am!
Cafè del mar gives...
Job Opportunity at Ushuaia Ibiza! The casting!
Ushuaia Ibiza announced the female casting next 21st of May from 14,00 till 18,00.. are required professional dancers, acrobats and gogos!
So..if your dream is...
Job opportunities at Amnesia Ibiza!!
Dear friends..this is the casting that many of you were waiting for!
Amnesia Ibiza, one of the most important clubs worldwide will organize a casting...
Job opportunities in Ibiza at Entice bar!
Entice bar, in San Antonio Ibiza, has started the summer rectruitment 2014.
The positions available are: Bar staff, waitresses, experienced chef, prs, dj, shot girls.
Job opportunities in Ibiza: an useful group!
For many people the dream is to work in Ibiza in summer ..and also in winter….
In these months Ibiza by night gave many informations...