Friday, Milan (Italy) Circus presents: Tony Humphries!

Friday, at Privilege Milano, Italy (ex Luminal) Circus presents: Tony Humpries!

For one of the fathers of House music is a big return in Italy..and starting from this week Ibiza by night starts a media partnership with Circus team..and. meanwhile Ibiza is celebrating the closing parties..we start our trip around the world!

Toni Humpries doesn’t need any presentation.. but it’s important to remember that, with David morales and Frankie Knuckles, he is one of the king’s of NYC house community!

The address of Privilege Milano is Via Monte Grappa 14, and in the poster below you will find all useful numbers.

Here you have the poster of the event… and this is a party not to miss.. because of Humpries is a House master!

For further infos and reservations, you can contact Guido D’Annunzio at 3355728827 this is the link ti the event page on Facebook:
