Ibiza live radio presents this week: Miss Luna, Felix Da Funk, John Ferrer, Q Dehrino and many more!

Ibiza by night  also this week is media partner with Ibiza live radio!
As all the weeks we publish the radio’s programs with all the specials for next days at http://www.ibizaliveradio.com!
Ibiza live radio is the web radio station based in Ibiza that has been founded and it’s directed by Miss Luna!!
This week the line up will include as usual djs from worldwide and great friends of our community, as Miss Luna, Felix Da Funk (with his show “Born in Ibiza”) John Ferrer (with the show “Versus party Ibiza”), Fabrizio Marra, QDehrino, “an underground love story” with Miguel B., Wicked 7 network with  Fabio ferri and live streamings !!!!!!!!!
But there are more news.. next week  from 20 till 21 spanish time there will be a new edition of Ibiza by night Radio Show.. and the guest will be an interesting dj from Israel.. Eran Lump..…but next week we’ll talk again about him!
And this is the poster with all the programs!
