Soon more restrictions could arrive for the acoustic emission in the area named “West End” in San Antonio, Ibiza.
Ibiza by night already talked about it (read here) news was reported by all the Ibiza media (look here for Periodico de Ibiza)
The Ayuntamiento of San Antonio is improving the start of the procedure to obtain the declaration of “Zona de Protección Acústica Especial (ZPAE)” for the area named “West End”, one of most famous areas for the movida in San Antonio.
When this area will be declared “Zona de Protección Acústica Especial (ZPAE)” we can expect many changes and limitations for acoustic emission, and – important aspect- the bar and clubs should close at 3 am, plus the “Terrazas” should be removed at 11 pm.
Ibiza by night, as usual, will update you about this important theme for the upcoming season 2018.