Time Warp will be postponed from the original date, March 20th, 2021.
The new date is October 30th, 2021.
This is the announcement: “Dear Time Warp fans, guests, and friends,
We hope that you are all doing well and are staying safe and healthy.
Today we unfortunately have to announce that due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, Time Warp will not be able to take place on March 20th as was originally planned. We were looking forward to finally dancing together again, but sadly this will have to wait a little longer. We had the bad luck of being one of the first festivals of 2020 to be affected by the Covid-19 crisis, and are now facing the same issue again one year later.
Additionally, over the coming months the Maimarkt in Mannheim is going to be used as a SARS-CoV-2 vaccination center for the surrounding region, helping thousands of people in getting their vaccinations quickly and effectively. We are happy that the very place we normally dance together every year will serve as a starting point towards ending this pandemic!
The German administration plans to have everybody asking for a vaccine to be vaccinated by the end of summer, so in autumn all cultural life can come back to normal. Therefore, we are moving Time Warp in Mannheim to October 30th, 2021. We are very much looking forward to getting back together with our fans, artists, and friends and to see each other on the dance floor.
We put in a lot of effort together with all those involved in order to find a suitable alternative date, and we hope that you will all be able to join us then. After a break of 30 months without an edition in Mannheim, we are really looking forward to dance with all of you again in our home base. We will make sure that it will be a Time Warp edition to remember! Mark your calendar and get your dancing shoes ready!
Tickets will go on sale as early as March 2021. If you already have a ticket from 2020, you will automatically receive a new ticket for October or you will have the opportunity for a refund.
All ticket holders will be contacted separately for this matter, so please be patient!
Your Time Warp Team“