Hola Sundays is back at Ocean Drive Hotel Ibiza: free entry!

Hola Sundays is back at Ocean Drive Hotel.

The event will take place Sunday, January 7th, starting at 16.00.

This time the event will be focused also on “Museo de sintetizatores”.

Teo Molinas, organizer of Hola Sundays & Director of the magazine Fiesta Y Bullshit said:”This time the main protagonists will be the music instruments, especially the synthesizers, that had an important role in the music of last 50 years. We will host as main guest our friend Sonotonos, and we will explore together different concept, from the setups to the studios activities. You are welcome, but don’t forget, the event is free but we have limited places. See you Sunday“!

So, if you are in Ibiza, save the date.

This is the official poster.

Don’t forget, the entry is free.