Ibiza 2017? Please keep calm!


A great friend of our community this morning has found this “bad surprise” (he’s the owner of the smaller car).

So, we decided to write an article: every day, on the local newspaper, we read about serious car & moto accidents on Ibiza’s roads.

Many clubbers are arriving in  Ibiza, sometimes for the first time our suggestion is: please keep calm!

Many people think (incorrectly) that Ibiza is a wonderland where everything is possible.

This is not the reality: in Ibiza there are rules as all the Spain, the Police – rightly – makes alcol and drug tests to the drivers.

Not everything is possible or is permitted in Ibiza.

So, if you feel that you have drunk too much, please take a taxi and go home safely.It will be better for you, for all people around and for your holidays in Ibiza as well.

Have a safe and happy holiday!