The Counsel of Ibiza’s Mayors, decided a few days ago – with a common agreement – on the new closing times for Ibiza’s clubs.
Next season, the big clubs (such as Amnesia, Pacha, DC 10, Sankeys) will close at 06:30 and the music bars at 05:00.
Many magazines have given a lot of space to this news, hypothesising on a sad future for the nightlife on the Island.
Honestly though, we think these forecasts are exaggerated.
Totally exaggerated.
We aren’t worried for the future of the Island at all!!
Firstly, because the closing time will be at 06:30 and not as early as 04:00 or 05.00 as it could have been. Secondly, many of the authors of these articles about the closing times, probably don’t know the true history of Ibiza or that closing times even existed for the clubs!

So, it’s time to think positively and ask some questions.
Do you think that Ibiza’s marvellous parties (that many people try to copy unsuccessfully worldwide) will be less amazing if the closing times change to 06:30?!
Do you think the superstar DJ’s won’t want to come and play on the island any more due to the clubs closing times?!
We don’t think so…
We think that Ibiza 2016 will be another amazing summer with a fantastic party calendar. Also, don’t forget, rules can always be changed or modified.
If you know a bit about the island, you will also know that during the day there are loads of marvellous parties in top locations such as Destino Ibiza, Ushuaia, Blue Marlin, Beachouse and Cova Santa, to name but a few, plus the official after-parties.
So don’t be worried! For the clubbers that visit Ibiza from all over the world, there will still be loads of great options to have fun by day and by night! So, stop panicking, keep calm and start to plan your 2016 holiday in Ibiza !!
Text by Steve M.
Editing by Emma M.
For further infos, this is an useful link to “Diario de Ibiza”:
And here you have a recent update: many changes are still possible:
#clubclosingtimesinibiza #ibiza2016